Are you feeling extra thankful this year for all you have and are looking to help others? Well lucky for you there’s a ton of opportunities all over the metro area to do that! Not everyone is lucky enough to have a full plate of food, family and friends, and a warm home, and the holiday season is the perfect time to give back to those less fortunate. Here’s a list of a few places that are looking for help:

Open Arms of Minnesota: They need help delivering meals and turkeys all month or serving and cooking in the kitchen.

Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly: This charity has a wonderful mission of relieving loneliness and isolation among Twin Cities elders. The holidays can be a tough time for those that don’t have family, so they spend some time just talking with them. Volunteers can also help bake pies to bring with to share.

People Serving People: Also one of Grey Duck Cares’ charities, this amazing foundation helps people year round. They can always use more help for the big Thanksgiving feast though!

Meals on Wheels: Meals on Wheels delivers Thanksgiving dinner to thousands of homebound, disabled, and elderly people every year. The organization delivers meals year-round, actually, but its holiday meal takes extra preparation, which means helping hands are always welcome. Volunteers can choose to deliver or help prepare the meals.

Simpson Housing Services: Some organizations actually get overwhelmed with the number of people who want to volunteer on holidays. The best way to help without being in the way is to donate goods or, better yet, host a donation drive at work or school. Drop what you've collected off at Simpson Housing Services, a local homeless shelter.

Second Harvest Heartland: Speaking of donations, Second Harvest Heartland is always looking to stock its shelves. During the holidays, especially, anything helps. All you have to do is drop off a few nonperishable items to the food bank and it'll do all the distribution for you.

Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery: This organization aims to end child abuse and neglect and create strong, healthy families. They’re there for families when they need emergency child care, and provide a warm space and hot food. It’s one of our favorite charities. In fact, we just volunteered there today! Check out our photos!

So as you can see, there’s always a need for volunteers! If you have any other charities we should add to this list, let us know!

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